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Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Man can cure erectile dysfunction (impotence) not only via medications. Impotence home treatment is also effective and can give good results.

Change your Lifestyle

Man can overcome erectile dysfunction at home, and he should start with lifestyle changes. First of all, a man should refuse bad habits and choose the regime of his activity.

The following lifestyle changes for erectile dysfunction can help treat the disease at home:

  • Good sleep. A man should sleep at least eight hours a day;
  • Exclude long sit-ups until night;
  • Spend more time in the fresh air – at least one hour per day. Besides, try to find time for a walk before going to sleep;
  • Quit smoking;
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as alcohol is the main potency killer;
  • Do more physical exercises, including potency exercises;
  • Take a contrast shower every day.

Prefer High Potency Food

Male potency foods can be a delicious and effective medicine against erectile dysfunction. You do not need to buy expensive products or follow some exotic recipes. Many high potency foods grow right in the garden. There are potency boosters that activate the sexual function and improve sexual life.

Here is the food to cure erectile dysfunction naturally:

  • Seafood is the best erectile dysfunction natural cure. Eat shrimps, crabs, calamari, mussels every day;
  • Make use of pumpkin seeds that regulate the prostate gland functioning and normalize the sexual male function;
  • Walnuts are considered the most useful natural potency booster;
  • Fresh vegetables should be present on the table every day.
  • Buckwheat porridge, oatmeal.

But there is food that causes erectile dysfunction:

  • Fatty meat;
  • Fried potatoes;
  • Fast food;
  • Pasta;
  • Preservatives and chemical additives.

A man should also limit coffee and drink more green tea.

Erectile Dysfunction Natural Remedies

Traditional medicine knows ways to treat erectile dysfunction. The most popular ones:

  • Pour nettle, mint, clover, and St. John’s wort with hot water and wait for half an hour. Drink a glass of such infusion every day.
  • Mix walnuts and honey in equal amounts. Eat such desert every day.
  • Add garlic to your meals.

Exercises to Improve Erectile Dysfunction

Physical exercise to cure erectile dysfunction should improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

  1. The simplest option is walking, which stimulates the function of the testicles. Walk three – five kilometers every day.
  2. Take advantage of squats. They are easy to do and very effective – they improve not only erectile function but also general condition. See other methods of erectile dysfunction treatment.

Category: Erectile Dysfunction

Tags: erectile dysfunction treatment, Men’s Health, Natural Remedies, potency